VW Car-Net

interactive exhibit, kinetic, game

This interactive exhibit was designed to introduce Volkswagen’s Car-Net online mobile services at car shows and show rooms where visitors could learn about featured services in a playful way.


By swivelling a smartphone, the visitor navigates through a racing track. Along the route play­ers en­counter every­day sit­u­a­tions that can be solved using the ap­pro­pri­ate Car-Net ser­vice. Such situations included, for ex­am­ple, finding the cheap­est petrol sta­tion in the area, or quickly locating the parked car using the mo­bile app. When the visitor reaches a stop along the route, they trigger a mechatronic show. The technique is inspired by shadow theatre and tells a sophisticated story using three-di­men­sional icons that are moved by individually controlled motors.


The exhibit was shown at car shows in Paris, Geneva, Frankfurt, Los Angeles, Chicago, and Shanghai.


Client: Volkswagen AG

Role: Creative & Art Direction, Concept & Design, Kinetic Choreography

Studio: Art+Com AG

Locations: Paris, Geneva, Frankfurt, Chicago, Los Angeles, Shanghai